Monday, February 12, 2024

An Unmentionable Community

Doubtful anyone thinks,
Should someone else invoke
The unnameable name

Of a divinity
They hold to be above
The smirchy fingertips

Of grubby linguistics,
That other is ashamed
Of their unnameable

God. Just so. Here we have
One half-intentional,
All unmentionable

Community that’s so
Not for a shame in it
But for the oddity

That it must, or it will,
Exist, but can’t be known
As it’s constituted.

In this instance outlines
The wavering border

Of an epistemic
The kind of dilemma,

Cosmologists are prone
To adjectivally
Tag as one more darkness—

Implosion or knotting,
Matter or energy.
But our community

Isn’t unknown or dark.
It’s unmentionable,
Since our knowledge of it

Is perpetually
Incomplete. There is you,
In this community,

You deliberately.
But where or who or when
This you are or begins?

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