Saturday, February 10, 2024

Mother! That Was All

It’s a strange thing to read
Often, how often men
Dying from battle wounds

Will cry for their mothers.
It turns up in accounts
Of very different wars,

Very different battles,
Snow, rain, sand dunes, forests,
Beach assaults, sinking ships.

Is it possible mind
Actually reverts
To earliest childhood?

Why is it then those dying
Of whatever causes
Aren’t as prone to this cry?

Or occasionally
Maybe even the old
Call out for their mothers

As they die, but it’s not
Remarked on? After all,
It’s only the living,

The survivors who bear
Witness, not the dying,
And what haunts the soldier

Might not be what haunts those
Keeping beside vigils,
Straining to hear faint sighs.

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