Thursday, September 21, 2023

That Righteousness

You want someone worthy
Of your rooting interest.
You search your ancestry,

Sift through tribal heroes,
The best of your people,
Someone who ideally

Was far more sinned against
Than sinning, not passive,
Not merely a victim—

An underdog, a striver
Who couldn’t be silenced,
An overachiever

Against all odds, good
To the core—better yet,
A whole squad to root for,

Whole groups of folks like you
You legitimately
Claim common interest with—

Better yet, true kinship,
Blood, genes, and history
You can internalize,

Part of your own nature,
Your own identity.
Picture them on your walls,

Books by or about them
Lining your shelves, your self
Supported by their thoughts,

By the thought, these are mine,
My heroes, my story,
I am this history.

When histories compete,
You’ll know which one is right.
You’ll know who’s on your side.

You’ll know who to root for.
You’ll know who is worthy.
You’ll feel that righteousness.

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