Monday, September 4, 2023

Never Not Happened, Never Can Last

Some of you is once, and some
Of you is many, many.
You can’t get back any years

To relive them or fix them,
But there’s a lot of cycling
You do morning and evening,

A lot of repetition,
Every day’s generations
Of surging, sinking, surging.

You slip away. You return.
You’re seasonal as your world.
You carry the paradox

Of the way happening works,
In that each event’s unique,
Each event cumulative,

However unexpected,
However devastating,
However extremely brief,

And can never be undone,
The result of all of which
Is that everything’s erased.

This is a lot to carry,
Whoever you think you are,
However relatively

Strong you are among people,
Who are all at once many,
Many, but each one the once.

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