Tuesday, September 12, 2023

And Why Should You?

The rogues took the goat and ate it,
Since who can trust oneself against
A unanimous opinion?

If everyone says that’s a dog
Or a pig, anything unclean
In your tradition, on your back,

How can you keep questioning them?
How long until you set it down,
And feel unclean, and take a bath?

You’ve no morals not consensus.
You chuckle like everyone does
When you read the parable, when

You find out about the studies,
The innumerable studies
In which the subjects changed their minds

About some self-evident fact
As more and more confederates
Insisted that the fact was false.

You chuckle, but you’re just the same,
Afeared of not being the same.
It’s a kind of dripping torture,

Holding out against consensus.
Who are you to trust yourself.
Don’t answer that. You know you don’t.

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