Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Check Back in a Few Ages

So one poet wrote a blurb
For another poet’s book,
Stating the poems in it were

Written to reverberate
Through the ages—the ages!
And you think about that phrase,

Working to recall the poems
One could say have already
Reverberated ages—

Psalms, epics, shi, villanelles,
Gathas, haiku, what have you—
And from their famous contents,

You’d have to say, yes, many
Asserted they were written
For the ages. Not a few

Boasted quite explicitly
Of becoming immortal—
Whitman’s free verse and Shakespeare’s

Sonnets, we’re looking at you.
Then again, it’s worth noting,
Many non-reverberant

Poems were every bit as much
Written to reverberate
But didn’t. Maybe the blurb

Was slyer, more backhanded
Than its grandiosity
Suggests. Like so many poems,

Most of them long forgotten,
Gathering dust, all those bells
Cast in various sizes

Meant to ring that ring no more,
Like those, these poems were bravely
Written to reverberate.

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