Saturday, September 30, 2023


One day she became a novelist
Of sorts. In an instant she could see
The thoughts crawling through everyone’s head,

And she entered into them at will.
She’d become third-person omniscient,
Not just a mind reader, a knower

Of private wants and motivations,
And she could narrate them as she pleased.
Lars was thinking he should sell his house.

Amy was daydreaming of having
The perfect garden for once, next spring.
Steph waited at the bus stop, thinking

About what he would say to Mari
When he broke up with her that evening.
Everyone had thoughts and everyone

Had a name, and she knew all of them.
It was too bad she wasn’t able,
Though, to command what they were thinking,

The one advantage a novelist
Had over God. But as she thought that,
She realized she saw God’s thinking

About what those humans were thinking,
And, boring as it was, all in all,
She saw it was exactly the same.

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