Sunday, September 10, 2023

Restrain the Old

Older people are not going
To help you. You won’t accept this
Until, too late, you’re older, too.

The older seem innocuous
From sufficiently great distance,
But they will replenish themselves

With the end of everyone young.
You only fail to notice this
When the young are busy breeding,

And it seems like the older folks
Are just dwindling and receding,
But as soon as the young relax,

The old begin to outgrow them,
Converting every one of them,
Recruits to the ranks of the old.

Restrain the old! Don’t indulge them.
Don’t encourage longevity.
Practice population control

By assigning a cut-off date,
Not for the mandatory end,
But one past which one must be old.

Whenever someone makes the cut,
One of the oldest old must go.
Don’t let their going fast fool you.

Water runs fast over a dam
But pressure continues to grow.
Drain to restrain, or it all goes.

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