Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Plot Development

Ominously omnivorous
As a bear with rat’s appetites,
As an autocrat fond of kink,

The narrative mind forages
Through the datasets of the world.
It’s off the leash. It still needs brains

But more now for fuel than storage.
It can sleep where it likes, but rest
Is no longer necessary.

Something in the narrative mind
Is perpetually awake
And digesting information

All around the rotating face
Of its captive globe while reaching
Hungrily into outer space.

The narrative mind’s a monster.
It’s adapted to consume facts.
It can make numbers into myths,

Crush a protective carapace
Of pointedly chitinous truth,
Swallow well-tested theories whole

And express them on its surface
As a kind of stubbly armor
For its own, omnivorous self.

You live inside. You fuel the mind.
You help it break down the hard stuff
Within its multi-chambered guts.

That’s your domestication, now.
You serve the stories that evolved
Once upon a time to serve you.

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