Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Board Games, Comic Books, and Romance Novels

A civilization should be loved
For the things that it actually likes,
And this violent, high-tech globe likes

Board games, comic books, and romances.
Put that in your stream and survey it.
The numbers are all up. Way, way, up.

More games being invented and sold.
More comic books and more collectors.
More romances composed and consumed.

You don’t know it wasn’t always so.
Ancient Egypt had its senet boards,
But you link pharaohs with pyramids.

The earliest known narrative art
Appears to be a stone comic strip
Of a man surrounded by leopards.

The romance novel? That’s redundant.
And how isn’t most mythology
The mating tales of dramatic gods?

So nothing’s new, but there’s more and more,
Plus more pretense it’s not important.
What’s loved best seems always best ignored.

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