Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Hygienic Bee

Once engineering’s finished,
They’ll have bred a honeybee
Capable of detecting

Varroa destructor mites
And flinging them from the hive.
These will be hygienic bees.

How the frame of reference
Transforms the significance
Of anything. Hygienic

Thoughts have been advocated
By religions for ages.
Root out pestiferous doubts

And fling them from the hive mind
Before the hive collapses.
Now shift from thoughts to people,

From people to peoples. See?
Now from people to species.
Maybe you’re hygienic bees.

Maybe Earth’s been breeding you.
Maybe you’re destructor mites.
Maybe the Earth’s the disease,

And unseen aliens strive
To breed hygienic planets,
And Earth’s been flung from the hive.

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