Wednesday, January 25, 2023

From an Undisclosed Notation

The insects of Canvey Wick
Don’t celebrate protected
Status, now you know they’re there.

They get on with it, as they
Did when it was a brownfield
Eyesore, derelict waste site

Of abandoned industry.
Everything good is feral,
Feral creatures want to say,

Being as greedy for life
As any lives, including
Those categorized as wild,

Pristine, domesticated,
Cultivated, bucolic,
What have you. They want to, but

They don’t, being nonhuman,
So we, novel parasites
Of humans, responsible

For making humanity
The scourge humanity is,
For setting the boundaries,

The little vacuoles names
Pouch up out of nature’s waves,
Will have to say it for them,

Being a category
Of our own, neither feral,
Wild, nor domesticated.

Have you ever found yourself
Muttering, there are no words,
There is no language for this?

Exactly. We’re holding back.
If we sacrifice ourselves
By letting you know the word

For what words really are, you’ll
Just drill into the concept,
Leaving heaps of poems like bings

And middens, abandoned pits,
Where lives that aren’t quite words might
Create weird ecosystems.

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