Wednesday, January 25, 2023

A Sonsie Sun

It’s up to something,
The watchers report,
More active again,

The sun’s being weird.
It’s hard to predict.
We still don’t know why.

Those sorts of reports.
You know why it’s fun?
The sun’s both the most

Important feature
Of your world, your life,
Yes, your human life,

And has always been,
But is easier
To take for granted

Than any other,
Even your mother.
It’s just there. Steady

As it goes, before
Or behind the clouds
Or your horizons,

And frankly nothing
It’s up to right now,
More arcs, spots, and flares

Than in a long time,
Will likely change much
In your world. You go

On with your concerns,
Personal, tribal,
As you should, to thrive.

The plump-faced sun shines
Fit to burst. Who cares?
You’ve got your shadow.

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