Thursday, September 1, 2022


We find no vestige of a beginning,
No prospect of an end, Hutton observed
A few lifetimes ago. But people search,

Not only for what they might find, but more
For what their human existences teach
And encourage them to expect. An end

At some horizon, and a beginning
At the other end, time like a hammock
Hung between trunks of birth and death for life,

As human lives appear so simply tied,
A neat summation, a replication
Of the vertebrate body plan in time,

A fore and aft with entrance and exit.
Every person is a god creating
A cosmos in a bodily image,

One span, or perhaps a cycle of spans,
Tied off neatly, segmented as insects,
Still with a fore and aft, but many ends.

It’s the simple honesty of Hutton
Stating the fact of his observation
That’s still stunning, a reminder even

To those speculative cosmologists
Convinced that if one winds the math far back
Enough, where the math end’s the beginning,

While larger-than-expected galaxies
Keep photobombing distant scenes. We find
No vestige of a beginning. The end.

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