Sunday, September 18, 2022

Nothing Does a Lot of Work in Verse

It’s taken humanity
A while to persuade itself
Dead folks don’t come back to life

With some regularity.
You still need some persuading.
You accept death is certain,

But you’re still having trouble
With permanent. The go-to
Suggests it’s to do with death,

Particularly, mortal
Salience, ego’s terror
Of awareness of nothing—

The impossibility
Of knowing what nonbeing
Would be like motivates this.

We’re not so sure. Permanence
Is a problem fantasy
For you in more realms than death.

You want nothing permanent
Unless you say it should be,
And you’re obsessed with changing,

At least in your heads, the way
Change goes. You want it reversed.
You believe in eternal

Verities that cannot change,
While also believing change
Itself can be overturned.

Exactly the opposite
Obtains—everything changes;
No change can be overturned.

Not only death elicits
This weirdly orthogonal
Response of your thoughts to change,

But it’s harder to explain
If not just egocentric.
You don’t want what the world is.

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