Saturday, September 17, 2022


You gotta have heart to go
With those jaws and teeth that make
You, for a little while, great,

The first top predator fish,
As much as one hundred times
The size of any fish else,

Anything that went before—
You sea monster, placoderm,
Leviathan’s ancestor,

Nothing’s yet got what you’ve got.
You are the revolution,
Each and every one of you.

Someday, the world will catch up,
Full of big-hearted giants,
Hungry, armored, jaws, and teeth.

Someday, being the biggest,
With the biggest jaws and teeth
Won’t be novel anymore,

Won’t be any advantage
Against new top predators,
Little chattering monkeys

Walking all over the place
On their hind limbs, conversing,
Coordinating, killing

Anything they want to eat,
Throwing spears at anything
They crave or fear, including

Each other, and including
Leviathan. But not yet.
You eat this time. Go, go, go.

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