Monday, September 19, 2022

Poems Lack Reed-Solomon Codes

Like genetic mutations
Selected positively
By startled ecosystems—

Like any felix culpa—
Poems discovered sloppiness
With information could be

Conducive to a certain
Kind of information art—
Creating freaks of meaning.

The key to understanding
This game is understanding
Information’s not meaning.

Without error correction,
Great slabs of information
Must be pitted with mistakes

Over time or transmission,
Over time, in transmission.
If your interpretive goal

Is to constrain the meaning
Of heaps of information
To a singular message,

Then that is a problem, but
Let’s say life doesn’t depend
On constraining your meaning

To a singular credo,
To one interpretation.
Can we get a negative

Capability amen?
The poet becomes aware
That this ancient trait of verse—

Admitting uncertainties
To pile on the prosody,
Hints, winks, and imagery,

Thwarting any singular
Readout, even of those poems
Where clear was the intention—

Opens a new field of play
For any mind’s perception
Of some poem’s information.

How much ambiguity,
How carefully constructed,
Maximizes possible

Meanings the poet might want
Any other mind to find?
Inevitably, sometimes

This goes awry, baggily,
Absurdly, ludicrously.
Sometimes, the result’s a blur.

Sometimes, the Mona Lisa
Gets a mustache, and that’s it.
Sometimes, you get gom jabbar.

Sometimes, the haunted house works.
The poet dies. The ghosts stay,
And all those ghosts make babies.

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