Friday, September 30, 2022

All the Vices of Our Virtues

Whether or not they exist
Independently of names
For them, the presence of names

For them, even for either
One of them, ensures their bond.
Every virtue has its vice,

And maybe every virtue
Is a vice and vice-versa.
This is only upsetting

Insofar as these labels
Are part of the fairness game,
The endless game of deserves,

And who doesn’t want to win?
It can be astonishing
When the most wicked persons

Hurl accusations of vice—
So astonishing, it’s thought
Surely they must be aware,

Self-consciously aware, how
Hypocritical they are,
But maybe they aren’t. They’re bad,

And they’re angry at the bad
In everyone else as well.
Everyone mock-humbly says

They know that they’re not perfect.
But they believe they would be
If they could, more than you would.

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