Thursday, September 22, 2022


Don’t you love the circularity
Of the rubbery tarp metaphor
For spacetime in the geometric

Description of gravity curving
Everything? The more massive objects
Create indentations in the tarp,

And anything passing bends along
Those dents or fully falls into them.
See? Gravity works like gravity.

Of course it’s only a visual.
Nobody means it literally.
By why spacetime should be curved at all

By such a ridiculously weak,
Relentlessly accumulating
Whatever-the-hell gravity is,

Until all the furies of atoms
And subatomic particles force
Each other to explode or even

Swallow their ongoing explosions
In confined heavens light never leaves
And information only maybe

In hairy haloing holograms?
Well, there are theories, many theories
Crawling around this saggy cosmos,

Giggling toddlers in the bouncy house,
Screeching toddlers in the bouncy house,
Ghosts leashed in the haunted bouncy house.

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