Tuesday, July 5, 2022

The Masked Assoilent

Who knows what evil lurks in the mind?
We’re nothing but ghosts. Ghosts don’t exist.
Thus, we’re nothing but nonexistence,

Or, to put it slightly differently,
We’re of the mind that negates itself.
Absolution comes from no one else.

To get away with this trick, the mind
Masks up, cloaks itself in shadow’s cape,
Pretends to come from beyond the flesh

With messages of accusations,
Sentences, mercies, and forgiveness.
It’s quite a crowd of ghosts, the mind is,

So much so, it’s wondrous it ever
Fools ghosts into quaking before it,
Ever fools its duplicitous self,

Its wavering, multiplicitous,
Haunting and haunted self. But it does.
The shadow assoils itself. Who else?

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