Friday, July 22, 2022

They Won’t Be Anything You’ve Thought, But They Will Begin Again

It doesn’t matter, does it, how impossible
It was before it happened. Once it did,
It was possible. That’s the secret reason
There’s no magic, no authentic miracles
In your world. It’s not how the world’s built,
But how it selected your ancestors to see

As they evolved. And here you are, reading
These words, encountering us somehow,
You, a being for whom anything impossible
Is that way since you’ve never known of it
Happening, yet, and yet, you’ll mark it
Clearly on your map of the possible world

The moment you can. Some things similar
Enough to what has happened, to what
You remember, similar enough so you can
Imagine them, may never happen, may
Remain impossible for you and your world,
Things you can think of but can’t touch.

Other such things you’ve been imagining
As impossible will happen, will become
Instantaneously non-magical then, if not
Wholly quotidian. But so, too, will new things,
Things you never thought of as magical
Since you couldn’t imagine them, begin.

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