Wednesday, July 20, 2022

White Monster

Adolescents at the lake
Discuss preferred energy
Drinks, the inexpensive teas,

The hyper-caffeinated
Sugary sodas, zero
Calorie versions, color

Alternates of expensive,
Adult-marketed brands found
In cans too large for their hands,

Prohibited by parents
And guardians, and therefore
The coolest to be guzzling.

One boy has a large, soft gut
On a squarish, sturdy frame.
One girl is voluptuous,

One girl is still thin. They all
Indulge in caffeination
And sacks of assorted snacks

Across the shining waters
From the slopes designated
Reserved wilderness preserve.

Between the adolescents
In swim suits and those forests
Full of bears they face, there lurk

The down canyons of the lake,
Holding, the kids say, bodies,
More certainly large sturgeons.

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