Friday, July 29, 2022


You startle snakes and then they startle you
When they suddenly, having been startled,

Move! You almost stepped on one in the weeds,
Taking time out to look at the blossoms.

Is there a mythos that associates
Serpents with the nature of simple facts?

Facts are almost always startling like that.
You blunder around, your thoughts on the truth,

Or on what humans should do you don’t do,
And you almost trip over surprised facts.

In fact, sometimes you do. Sometimes, that bee
Stings you, that serpent sinks its fangs in you,

Not since they want to—facts aren’t after you,
But this world can’t keep itself safe from you.

Again, you advocate humility
And attentiveness, telling each other

To pay more mind, but you’re heads up, eyes high
Where facts lie humble, humiserpentine.

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