Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Motel Art

Rather than kitsch, which it isn’t,
Since no one chose to collect it
Lovingly, to keep home with them,
Even if it fits the standard

Definition, as in, poor taste,
But sometimes appreciated
In an ironic, knowing way,
(Jesus, the lyric flourishes

Of clever lexicographers)
Or commodity, which it is,
But which doesn’t distinguish it,
Let’s call it the imitation

Of a life that holds art personal,
As the room’s an imitation
Of someone’s personal bedroom,
Recognizably a bedroom,

For no one in particular,
For travelers in general.
Don’t you love the way it echoes
Its own imitative gestalt?

In an actual motel room,
Art’s even more impersonal
Than in virtual silicon,
Or in Hollywood motel rooms,

Where it’s chosen to say something
About the story the chooser
Is trying to tell or enact.
In an actual motel room,

The framed images were chosen
To be like the framed images
Someone might have chosen, but not.
Like, but not. Like, but not. Life, art.

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