Saturday, July 23, 2022

Good Humans

If you like, find yourself
A writing surface, or
A recording device,

And start a list of traits
Or compound traits that sum
What you think makes for good

Humans. Try to bear down.
Which traits do you truly
Feel distinguish the good

People among the rest?
Itemize them fully
As you can. Strike off traits

That, on contemplation,
Seem less diagnostic.
Who are the good humans?

This is not a forced choice
And not a weighted scale.
What makes a good human?

Rank the traits if you want,
If that feels important.
What would a composite

List of good traits look like,
Compiled by language groups,
From all around the world?

Who are the good humans?
If you met them, you would
Know them, right? Sure you would.

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