Sunday, July 3, 2022

Never a Dull Moment of Conception

It’s so hard to glimpse how significance
Fits into the apparently signless

Universe. Taxonomies of meaning
Would likely swell with human intentions,

Animal as social signifiers
For winning more resources and status,

Adding subsets for manipulation
And some others for cooperation,

In which case, significance would amount
To one more evolved fitness strategy,

Taken to the extreme in this species.
How does this blossom? There’s no certain code

By which meanings can become meaningful,
Past such survival and reproduction

As are generated by social skills
Which can pay out as fitness dividends.

Of the lineages, social circles,
And individuals with fitness skin

In the game of a single pregnancy,
How is it contesting interests lead

To metaphysically meaningful
Questions about what independence is,

Whether souls exist, when does life begin,
Whether bodies gestating new bodies

Within them count as one or two persons?
At some level of abstraction, meaning

Seems to bloom significance by the means
Of bootstrapping parthenogenesis,

Bringing new meanings into existence,
But it’s never clear where that threshold lives.

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