Tuesday, July 5, 2022

All Part of God’s Plan

If you can get around
Rational objections
To supernatural

Deities, those divine
Personages who care
And express emotions,

Savor sacrifices,
Peek into your bedrooms,
Punish and are jealous,

In other words, humans,
The idea all of this,
The cosmos as a whole,

Could be a strategy,
Never mind whose, going
Well, according to plan,

The tiniest setbacks
And horrors of small lives,
All well-chamfered designs,

Raises a fun question
Of teleology.
Plan for what, exactly?

No, seriously. Ask
What could be the end game
Of the whole universe.

If you’re feeling so bold
As to imagine this
Is all part of a plan,

You may as well tell us,
What sort of a goal needs
All these parts to succeed?

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