Monday, June 13, 2022


It’s mostly gone pretty well, you note,
Not so bad as you’d feared, if not so
Well as you’d hoped. That’s every report,

Or almost every, come down to it.
Do you know why folks will answer good
Or not bad or pretty good, okay,

Or, maybe most grimly, not so great
Or just, it’s going, when you ask them?
Not because they’re all being polite

Or dishonest or socially trite.
Most of the time, in most of the ways
It’s going, for most people, that’s just

How it’s going for them, pretty good
At the moment, good, not bad, okay,
Sometimes great, but sometimes not so great.

You’re motoring along, your species,
Amid ferocious catastrophes
And cruelties you hatch for yourselves

Or endure from the world, here and there.
We’re sorry to say, it’s not the end
Yet, for your kind. Still going, going

Pretty good, pretty well up til now,
As outbreak species go, can’t complain,
But you will, ha ha ha, pretty fair.

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