Friday, October 1, 2021

What’s Going Through Everyone’s Heads

You might wonder as you’re passed by
Vehicle after vehicle,
Each with at least someone inside.

Information is prediction,
As information reduces
Uncertainty, eliminates

Alternate possibilities,
And as the past is full of it,
And is key to all predictions.

Heads are full of information,
Writhing, active information,
Pasts reducing uncertainty,

Secured against alternatives
With the rigging of predictions,
And yet they’re all so uncertain,

Of that much, you’re certain. Going
Through all those information-soaked,
Past-collecting, past-morphing skulls,

Tsunamis of uncertainty
Reshape the drowned shorelines of thought.
Of course, you remain uncertain

Yourself of all their predictions,
All those other weather systems.
You couldn’t begin to grasp them

Even given access to them.
Like the Stasi, you’d start to sink
Under the waves of others’ lives.

More and more vehicles pass you,
Until the thought occurs to you,
The past cannot contain itself.

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