Thursday, October 14, 2021

Never, As Written

Bethany Ball puts it well.
The future is bleak but not
Written. The future isn’t,

Which is why it’s always bleak
And never written. Never
Stopped anyone from writing

About it, but let’s face it—
You get excited when dates
Foretold pass and the faintest

Hint of what’s now your new past
Was there in the old future.
Most of the time, though, what’s now

New past preoccupies you
So much you forget the old
And get back to predicting

The next. The funniest thing
Would be either if the world
Simply winked out all at once,

Or, so that there were people
Around to laugh, if one day
For no reason, no one was

Mortal or aging at all.
Oops, there go the verities;
All the rules have changed for good.

And even then, the future
Wouldn’t be yet, would be bleak,
Unwritten, as it isn’t.

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