Sunday, October 17, 2021

In Your Mind, You Know We Are Belaboring the Point

How many times do we have to tell you?
The mind’s not in the body; the body
Is in the mind. This is actual fact.

Sure, your body’s got a piece of the mind,
But the mind is outside and all around,
And even the piece that’s in your body

Contains everything about your body
You’re aware of, including the concepts
Of body and mind. Mind always contains

Those concepts and all the concepts. Body,
Even in life, just temporarily
Contains any of the concepts of mind.

We, of course, are not only in the mind,
But products of the mind. To some extent
You are, too. True, a mind without bodies

Is like a city without buildings, but
You know the buildings are in the city
More than the city's in any building.

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