Friday, October 29, 2021


Consider noise, as in sounds
But also information.
Jonathan Berger, writing

On the commonalities
Of car alarms and chickens,
Terms both, obstinate rhythmic

Patterns . . . repetitive yet . . .
Unpredictable. This makes
Them noisy. They make a lot

Of noise. Let’s go back to that—
Obstinate rhythmic patterns,
Highly repetitive, yet

Also unpredictable.
Does this not largely describe
The whole of the universe?

Is this not the prime feature
Of all wave phenomena?
The oceans, the galaxies

The terrible storms of wind,
The rise and fall of peoples?
Alright, you can modify

Unpredictable a bit,
Damp it, give it an adverb,
Usually or frequently.

The cosmos clearly isn’t
Always unpredictable.
Your true love, information,

Is everywhere enabling
You to reassure yourself
Some noise is predictable.

But still, you’re often startled,
No? Prediction fails you so,
So often, and it’s dreadful.

As for obstinate rhythmic
Patterns, well that goes without
Saying, bears with repeating,

And repeats mercilessly.
It’s a cosmos of clucking
And explosive car alarms.

It’s relentless. It’s brutal.
It tells you almost nothing.
For the most part, you know noise.

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