Thursday, October 14, 2021

Should Reading This Be Good for You?

Do you worry about what’s good for you?
In all honesty, you, reader who must
Exist, after all, if you’re reading this,

Do you observe your own activities
With an eye to which ones are good for you,
Which improve your psychological health,

Your physical, spiritual, ethical
Well-being, maybe your longevity?
Does this never seem even a little

Strange? Outside the snowed-in rental cabin
Boots crunch and squeak on the half-shoveled path
On their way to their cabins in the dark.

Nobody really planned on this. The storm
Caught the travelers by surprise. Now what?
It’s good to be safely bunked, warm and dry.

It’s good no one seems to be sick or hurt.
Is everyone doing what’s good for them,
Though? Certainly some of them must not be.

What’s strange is how much still gets done. What’s strange
Is how little it comes to. By morning
The snow will be over. Folks will dig out

And go on in their many directions,
Each one of them thinking, like you, whether
What they’re doing’s good for them. Good for them.

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