Saturday, October 23, 2021

And the Ghosts as Its Advisors

Night hares vary in boldness.
It is dangerous to be
Honest with yourself, because

You may slip and be honest
About yourself with others—
And society, red-tongued,

Trusts people who consider
Themselves better than they are,
But not people too candid

About their flaws. You don’t lie
To yourself to feel better
But to better fool others

Who, like you, prefer to be
Fooled and lash out at candor
Concerning norm shortcomings.

Best to hold to the middle,
Which, for most, means believing
Oneself still a good person

While breaking norms in practice.
Fail to break norms, you’ll perish,
Yet admit to norm-breaking,

You’ll perish of punishment
And shaming. The too-timid
Rabbit never gets to eat.

Too bold gets to be eaten.
To thine own self, be the ruse.
To bugs in grass be ruthless.

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