Monday, October 11, 2021

Heaven Alone

One of the Lowells suggested
God could be had for the asking.
It was meant as wise piety,
But it seems a little cheeky.

Who’s ever gotten God for free?
It’s true God isn’t fungible,
Doesn’t come with any price tag.
But God’s not some pledge you can have.

God’s a potent, dangerous ghost,
One of the most poisonous words
Ever invented, a weapon,
A licked blade, a gun, a potion.

Creating God was like minting
One coin worth Earth’s whole treasury
And then borrowing against it.
Since no one could have dispensed it,

No one ever had to produce
Proof it was in one’s possession.
God’s name gave claim and counterclaim,
Freely attempted, paid in pain.

While God stays in Heaven alone
Slowly leaking radiation,
Let other words get some business.
Honest debts need real forgiveness.

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