Monday, October 11, 2021

Abyss of Wisdom

Awe deprivation is a thing
Now, in this era of calling
Some things a thing and calling out

Other things that are not a thing.
You’re always almost there, aren’t you?
Core behaviors change so little,

Especially in the mean, yet
You’re prone to believe there’s something
You lost, and if you get it back,

If you could only get it back,
Things would get much better again.
Awe. A sense of the mystical.

Prelapsarian harmony.
There’s always something wrong with now,
And it’s always something missing,

One of those things that is a thing,
That if you could only get back
You could restore yourselves with it.

There are no boundaries. The world
Is one. The universe is love,
And this abyss is bottomless.

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