Tuesday, October 5, 2021

A Hairless Universe

Sooner or later, gravity
Will swallow up quantum physics.

Sooner or later, gravity
Will swallow and keep everything.

Sooner or later means nothing
Wherever gravity’s concerned.

What falls under the horizon
Only returns as something else.

What falls beyond the horizon,
Said the figures, never returns.

What enters never comes back out.
What exits never re-enters.

Inside, many wave-compressing
Little mouths gobble everything,

But all the mouths and all they eat
Are holes inside a bigger mouth.

Our whole universe hides inside
Its horizon all around it.

We eat inside the mouth that ate,
And while we eat we can still waste,

But in the mouth, the waste, too, goes,
Ships and whales in open ocean,

The ocean absorbed into space,
Space absorbed into spaceless waves.

In the event, a hairless night,
A sphere of bone, no thoughts, no light.

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