Friday, May 17, 2024

Request Slip

Give us the serenity
To accept what can’t be changed,

The courage to change what can,
And the wisdom to tell them

Apart. Give us the wisdom,
First, though, come to think of it,

You know, before we show off
Our incredible courage,

And, then, can we get courage
And serenity at once

Or, actually, maybe pass
On courage, unless wisdom

Identifies a fair bit
Of things our courage can change,

Since otherwise it will be
Just frustrating. Come to think

Again, do we really want
To change everything we can?

And is courage what we need
To get a change accomplished?

Maybe give us the wisdom
To know the right thing to change

And the right way to change it,
And then courage, as needed.

Secretly, we’d be happy
Well-drugged with serenity.

If we can only have one,
Please, grant us serenity.

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