Monday, May 6, 2024


What is it, if not addiction?
Obsesssion? No, that’s not quite it.
Compulsion comes a bit closer.

Dan used to say you had to think
You were choosing and had to choose
For society to function.

Bob didn’t like that. Went further,
Insisting there was no choosing
And people got hurting trusting it—

He was sort of a George that way,
Except, for Catholicism,
Substitute belief in free will,

And, instead of, There is no God,
And Mary is His mother, swap,
There is no free will, and we must

Come to accept that as the fact.
Then we can organize better
With less harm to each other. Sure.

You’re of the opinion, probably
Not freely chosen, no freedom
To choose, not even to not choose.

Where does that leave you? Honestly,
Just more annoyed than anything.
You’d like to stand apart from it,

But you live more like Clive than like
Dan, Bob, or George, waking again
To realize you’re doing it,

Trying to make good selections,
Smart decisions, wisely choosing,
And then you make another note

To yourself—At least stay aware,
From henceforth be aware of this
Delusion that you’re choosing this!

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