Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Not So Much Dark as Constricted

It strikes you how medieval
You are. Like Europeans
And Chinese, et alia,

Of that era, you’re bounded
Within a known world’s borders,
Aware of worlds beyond it,

In a fuzzy way, no way
Of traveling to those worlds.
You can only ponder stars.

And, like medieval peoples,
You face a set of problems
For which no well-organized

Vocabulary exists,
And so you make art. This art,
Such as it is. A stop-gap

Cramming the maw of the times
With a system you’ve devised
To think and to feel your way

Through inarticulable
And intractable notions,
As Eleanor Johnson wrote

Those medieval thinkers did,
Although you’re less successful
And certainly less inspired

By the supernatural.
Carry on. What’s happening
Now in the most recent past

Won’t likely be digested
By hermits, saints, or monsters
Of your age until they’re faint

Figures receding as myths
In the next medieval phase
That dreams of Apocalypse.

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