Thursday, May 16, 2024

Little Wonder

Bemused by glory,
You feel extracted
From the rest of self,

Such that even pain,
Even appetite
Fall from awareness—

It’s not possible
To feel contented,
Caught up in wonder,

Which is one reason
Why wonder junkies
Put down contentment

As simple or mere.
If contentment is
Like an opiate

To them, wonder’s their
Wonder’s amazement,

Pure a thing as joy.
If there is wonder
In this world, this world

Is more than this world—
Wonder means portal
To another world.

Just knowing it’s there
Is what’s important,
And people bemoan

The loss of wonder
On the regular
In a way no one

Often expresses
Any great concern
For contentment’s end.

A sense of wonder,
That’s the real treasure.
A world of wonder

Is a world greater
Than any mere world.
It has an exit,

Even if you can’t
Leave through it, an awe,
A glory observed.

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