Monday, May 13, 2024

Heart of Empire

Brueghel’s Triumph of Death
Seems more like aftermaths
Of some executions.

Techniques of Execution,
It could have been titled,
But we’re not in the mood

For ekphrasis today,
So never mind. It popped
Up in thought perusing

A book on misery
In sixteenth-century
Europe. A funny thing,

How the same century
In which Europe’s kingdoms
Battened on colonies—

Era Europeans
Were racing through conquests—
What misery at home.

Same for every empire,
Every colonial
Era—name your poison.

The wealth of victories
Only fed unequal
Ratios rising within

Triumphant capitals.
Ask someone at the fringe,
They’d guess the citizens—

Whites, Arabs, Romans, Han,
Babylonians, Turks—
All had it made compared

To conquered indigenes,
Barbarians, heathens,
Infidels, the vanquished—

But someone was always
Starving in there, or hanged
And displayed for the birds.

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