Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A Bigger and More Interesting Life

Letting the dead talk gives them a big freedom to tell the truth

If the dead could mail
Letters after death,
Maybe they would tell

The truth, freed from shame
And obligation,
Or ego’s desire

For self-curation.
But they can’t, for one,
And it’s a mistake,

For another, this
Myth it’s just outside
Social compression

Distorts people’s lives,
Makes everyone lie.
More likely, the dead

Would only lie more
Freely, now no one
Else can confine them—

Shame shamelessly glossed,
Plain lives lost behind

Spoon River was meant
For living readers
To imagine those

Truths hid in others
People are aware
Must be there. The dead,

Talking to themselves,
Would lie more freely,
Happily—Who cares?

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