Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Road Not Yet Been

Once, not too many
Generations past,
There were competing
Ideas about how
Best a polity

Could be run, not all
Of those ideas yet
Tested by real states.
They seemed like options—
Communes, republics,

True democracies,
Lock-step tyrannies,
Or communism.
Now there hasn’t been

A fresh suggestion,
Either good or bad,
In a century.
One-party systems,
Nationalist states,

Tyrannical toughs,
Democracies, all
Dance, rise and fall.

Lives some eternal
Late stage, with degrees
Of socialism
And tyranny mixed
Together in it.

Seems like someone should
Think of something new,
Really new, that might
Better serve this world.
Once there were no kings,

No dynasties, then
Long millenniums
Of them. We’re nearing
Royal rule’s ash end.
Let’s begin again.

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