Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Artificial Bullshit Artist

That’s the thing with hallucinations
When they’re presented by machine mind—

They’re annoying since they’re so much like
That one kid in the class who answers

With perfect confidence every time,
Whether right or wrong or half-way right.

The machine mind doesn’t respond, hmm,
It could be that or it could be this,

And I think it’s probably that, but
There’s something wrong there that I missed,

So, I’m really confused by this.
No, the oracular machine mind

Responds like that kid who, when cornered
Re a line from a poem, for instance,

Won’t admit uncertainty, but says
Something like this—The line, “a silky

Feeling through me goes,” is indeed from
The poem by Gwendolyn Brooks titled

“Sadie and Maud,” in which Maud describes
Sensations she experiences

While holding a rose. That confidence!
Indeed from the mind of the machine!

It’s dead wrong, not hallucinating,
But it is some impressive bullshit.

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