Thursday, February 8, 2024

Poor Lyric

Three pieces work together
In the evening—one a poem
Being authored by AI,

One a caterwauling song
To the tune of Clementine
Drafted through juvenile texts,

And one a literary
Lyric of no importance—
A kind of multitasking.

Given the vast database
And the probabilistic
Forecasting that goes into

The AI poem—stochastic
Parrot or understanding
Savant stuck in sensory

Deprivation limbo-dusk
Doesn’t matter—does it mean
Something that AI’s default

Is doggerel, jig-jog rhymes,
And references to stock
Phrases re nature and time?

Is the mountain of drecklich
So massive that all verses
Other than the very worst

Amount to rounding errors
Machine mind can hardly see
And wouldn’t think to predict?

Right on cue, the kids fooling
With new lines for Clementine
Over their text messages

Finish by rhyming on shit,
And the old man concludes his
Poor literary lyric.

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