Monday, January 8, 2024

Jamais vu pour vous

Those who’ve been to outer space
Have tended to glorify
The beauty of the home world,

As if it were objective
And not the cry of creatures
Evolved to green, white, and blue.

If extraterrestrials
Ever have or will have sensed,
Through whatever they’d sense with,

That electromagnetic
Signature of Earth up close,
It’s unlikely a concept

Such as mother should have framed
Their subsequent discussions
Of this particular home

To all life its lives have known.
Or maybe they’d have been struck
By how much it looked like home,

In which case, woe betide you.
Still, visiting hardly seems
Worth so much difficulty—

They’re out there, but stuck, like us.
Evidence so far suggests
Some things must be similar

On other living planets,
Moons, or planetoids, in just
The right fecund conditions.

Earth may prove not strange at all,
Cold comfort considering
How strange life’s been for Earthlings.

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