Friday, January 26, 2024


They also invoke, Enrigue
Suggests of words, meaning beyond
Signifying and signaling.

Invoke and evoke are both terms
Hinting at how meaning occurs,
Especially aside from signs

And signaling information.
In the informational sense
Two labels distinguished only

By orthography can both mean,
As it were, the same thing, the same
Town with alternative spellings.

But in the mind, within the skull,
Evocations wildly vary
From person to person, even

When they’re in no disagreement
Over the reference and versed
In the same shared connotations,

And one person may use a word
To invoke the authority
That stands behind what’s in their mind

And another deploy the same
Term in hopes of generating
An aura, which may be their own.

These are meanings, what words can mean
To an attention invested
In them, meanings attention brings.

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