Friday, January 19, 2024


This isn’t your first last day
Of the rest of your life, but
It could be your last first day.

How do you live the last first
Day of the rest of your life
As if your last were your first?

Ridiculous, isn’t it?
All ways of living better
Or according to a rule

Are like tips for swimming
Farther, more efficiently
In an infinite ocean.

If you’re enjoying the waves,
Or have been for a long time,
More power to you. You’ll drown,

But you’ll get your effort’s worth.
Some swimmers are marvelous
For their clean, wave-slicing style,

Others for pure endurance.
Most, even those who believe
They’ll go on swimming under

The waves forever without
Any more need for breathing,
Try to make the most of it.

That’s where the advice comes in,
Suggesting it’s a contest
Excellent swimmers can win.

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