Thursday, January 18, 2024

In Happier Times

Some phrases have jobs, blue-collar
Specialties, there when you need them,
The same task, over and over.

In happier times, for instance,
Works strictly for photo captions,
Where it refers to whoever

Appears in the photo, always
Younger, sometimes singular, but
Often a couple, now and then

A group of friends or relatives
In happier times. Their stories
Differ, but the narrative arc

Is clear, even without reading
The rest of the caption or text.
The phrase seems the equivalent

Of one of those twee kitchen tools
With only a single function
In preparing one type of dish,

But it’s more like a laborer
For awkwardly specialized jobs—
Knife-grinding, say, printer repair—

Who still gets summoned casually,
As needed, but isn’t needed
As much as in happier times.

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